Nuovo Espresso: Libro studente + audio online 4

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Nuovo Espresso: Libro studente + audio online 4 - Maria Balì, Irene Dei

A bestselling Italian course with integrated video series, now available in six levels. Più ricco, più attuale, più multimediale!

Nuovo Espresso maintains the popular format and methodology of Espresso, revitalising it with brand-new texts, activities and updated exercises that reflect both the requirements of the CEFR and suggestions from teachers and students. The course now offers six volumes for beginners to advanced level students, covering CEFR levels A1-C2.

Multimedia plays a key role in this new edition with the addition of IL VIDEOCORSO - a video series for the first 3 levels that follows the lives of four friends, dealing with everything from the day-to-day to the exciting and unexpected. The episodes are supported by LA VIDEOGRAMMATICA which develops linguistic arguments and expands students' understanding of grammatical structures, expressions and idioms present in the video. Videos with supporting activities also feature in the later levels of the course, available online via

The student's books are complete with all exercises and activities together in one volume, as well as solutions to the integrated workbook. The introductory page to each lesson offers a GLOSSARIO ESPRESSO, while four TEST DI RIPASSO have been included at intervals to enable students to assess their own skills. The cultural section, CAFFÈ CULTURALE, is now more frequent and enriches each lesson with fresh texts and extra information on Italian culture and society.

Supplementary materials are also available to purchase:

  • workbooks with further exercises for levels 1 and 2;
  • a teacher's book of classroom activities and games for levels 1 and 2;
  • and a grammar guide for levels 1-3.

Extra resources are provided for free online including further exercises, tests, and the teacher's guides in PDF format.

Nuovo Espresso 4 is the fourth volume of the course and is aimed at Intermediate B2 learners.


NUOVO Espresso è un corso di lingua italiana diviso in cinque livelli (da A1 a C1) in linea con le indicazioni del Quadro Comune Europeo per le Lingue. Si basa su principi metodologici moderni e innovativi, grazie ai quali lo studente viene messo in grado di comunicare subito con facilità e sicurezza.

NUOVO Espresso 4 è indirizzato a chi desideri approfondire la conoscenza della lingua italiana, acquisire sicurezza nella comunicazione spontanea, perfezionare la capacità espressiva e la competenza d’uso di funzioni, strutture e lessico.

NUOVO Espresso 4 è il quarto volume del corso e si rivolge a studenti di livello intermedio (B2).

  • Language


  • Level


  • Book Binding


  • Book Dimensions

    21.5 x 1.2 x 28.9 cm

  • Book Format


  • Book Genre


  • Book ISBN


  • Book Page Count


  • Book Publication Date

    30 June 2021

  • Book Publisher

    Alma Edizioni

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