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Edelsa Grandes Títulos de la Literatura
Spanish Graded Reader
168-page book + audio download. Level B1
Discover and enjoy the works of great authors through reading this series of graded readers! Each title includes:
While out hunting, the rich young bachelor Calisto enters a garden where he meets Melibea, the daughter of the house, and is immediately taken with her. Unable to see her again privately, he broods until his servant Sempronio suggests using the old procuress Celestina. She is the owner of a brothel and in charge of her two young employees, Elicia and Areusa.
Descubre y disfruta de las obras de los grandes autores a través de la lectura de estas novelas adaptadas. Cada título contiene:
Calisto, un joven noble, se enamora de Melibea, la única heredera de una familia, cuando entra al huerto de su casa buscando a su halcón. Pero cuando Calisto comienza a expresarle sus sentimientos, ella lo rechaza. Su criado Sempronio le sugiere que recurra a una vieja prostituta llamada Celestina, quien hechiza a Melibea para que se enamore de Calisto.
Book Binding
Book Dimensions
12.5 x 19.0 cm
Book Format
Graded Reader/Easy Reader
Book Genre
Book Page Count
Book Publication Date
Jun 2015
Book Publisher