French for Engineering

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Product Description

French for Engineering by Lars Erickson


French for Engineering prepares students to study and intern in France as engineers.

Aimed at students at the CEFR B1 or ACTFL Intermediate-High level, the textbook uses a step-by-step progression of language-learning tasks and activities to develop students’ skills at the CEFR C1 or ACTFL Advanced-High level. Authentic documents present students with tasks they will encounter as engineering students or interns in France.

Online resources include a teacher handbook and a workbook with vocabulary-building activities, grammar-mastery exercises, and listening and reading comprehension activities, followed by questions requiring critical thinking. It is organized in parallel with the textbook based on the flipped-classroom concept.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements; 1 La préparation académique; 2 Connaître des entreprises en France; 3 À la recherche d’un stage; 4 Communiquer des données chiffrées, des équations, et des graphes; 5 Déterminer les étapes, la durée, et le coût d’une solution; 6 Présenter une solution technique à un public non-spécialisé; 7 Mener des expériences; 8 Dépanner un problème; 9 Participer dans une réunion technique; m

French for Engineering - About the Author

Lars Erickson is a Professor of French and the Director of the French International Engineering Program at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, USA.

  • Language


  • Level


  • Book Binding


  • Book Dimensions

    17 x 1.3 x 24.8 cm

  • Book Format


  • Book Genre

    Science and Nature

  • Book ISBN


  • Book Page Count

    124 pages

  • Book Publication Date

    5 Jun. 2018

  • Book Publisher

    Routledge, 1st edition

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