Domani 3

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Product Description

Domani 3

Book + DVD-ROM. Level B1.

Domani is an innovative language and culture course founded upon strong theoretical principles related to the CEFR. The major advantage of this course is the active approach it adopts which puts the emphasis on the student being at the centre of the learning process. The course takes into account different learning styles and aims to create a learning environment which motivates students and encourages interaction and collaboration from the start by employing a variety of authentic resources to act as stimuli. The activities and exercises are creative, inductive and practical in order to maintain the interest of the student and show how the skills learnt can be employed in real-life situations.

Each book consists of 16 units organised into 6 cultural modules which include geography, art, history, society, and language. Each unit is sub-divided into 5 areas which focus upon developing specific skills related to grammar and phonetics, vocabulary, oral and written ability, communication skills and culture. The book also includes an appendix with grammatical notes and word games, further exercises, end of unit tests and a self-assessment checklist. An exciting addition to this coursebook is the DVD which includes a short film with activities, songs and listening clips for independent study, plus a radio adaptation of the dramatic cartoon strip which features in the book. It also contains the answers to all the exercises and a glossary.

Click here to download a sample copy of the audio files.


Domani è un corso di lingua e cultura italiana per stranieri che permette allo studente di comunicare fin da subito con facilità e sicurezza. Oltre agli aspetti morfosintattici della lingua, affronta quelli pragmatici, conversazionali, lessicali e socioculturali, in linea con i principi del Quadro Comune Europeo.

Grazie a input suggestivi e coinvolgenti, compiti non banali, attività creative e autenticità delle situazioni, lo studente viene introdotto fin da subito in una dimensione attiva e vitale.

Domani è diviso in tre livelli (A1, A2 e B1). Ogni livello è organizzato in moduli culturalmente connotati in base a differenti aree tematiche (Geografia, Arti, Società, Storia, Lingua) che permettono un'immersione totale nella lingua, nella cultura e nella società italiana.

  • Language


  • Level


  • Book Binding


  • Book Format

  • Book Genre


  • Book ISBN


  • Book Page Count


  • Book Publication Date

    August 2012

  • Book Publisher

    Alma Edizioni

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