Presse und Sprache - From Germany for learners of German

Special Price $95.00 Regular Price $109.00
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Product Description

Now you can improve or maintain your German with Presse und Sprache, the monthly audio magazine for people who love German.

Published twelve times a year from Bremen in Germany, Presse und Sprache not only helps you improve your fluency, it also helps you understand what it is like to live in German-speaking countries.

Presse und Sprache - The Newspaper (Print or Digital)

The 12-page newspaper is packed full of lively articles and in-depth interviews about German-speaking countries and Germanic culture. The texts are taken from leading German-speaking newspapers and adapted and supplemented with original material from the Presse und Sprache editorial team. There are regular features on a range of topics including travel, business, the arts, cinema, politics, sport, cuisine, popular culture, plus profiles on leading personalities and issues making the news.

Every feature is carefully chosen and graded for difficulty so you can assess your progress (CEFR levels: A2-C2). Alongside each article in German key words and phrases are glossed into simple German appropriate to that level. Each article will keep you up to date with idiomatic expressions as well as practical information about contemporary life in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland.

Choose from the 'Subscription Options' on this page to receive the newspaper in printed form to your designated address, or in digital form (PDF) to your email address - both options are at the same price. Alternatively, as a Premium Option, you can add the digital version of the newspaper to a print subscription for just an additional 50% of the price of the print subscription.

Presse und Sprache - PDF Study Supplement

The accompanying Presse und Sprache PDF downloadable Study Supplement is ideal for training reading and listening comprehension, oral and written expression, vocabulary, grammar, and much more. It provides you with varied self-marking exercises for self-study/classroom lessons that enable you (or your students) to prepare for internationally-respected DaF (German as a Foreign Language) exams such as TELC certificates or the Goethe-Institute's certificates.

Presse und Sprache - The Audio (MP3)

The accompanying MP3 audio download is the perfect tool for improving listening comprehension and building confidence in speaking German. Put together by a team of professional narrators, the 25-minutes of audio provides well-paced readings of the key articles from the printed newspaper. The audio component of the subscription will enable you to improve significantly your ability to understand German as it's really spoken.

What's more, because it’s a periodical, your study of German is always maintained and you won’t forget what you’ve worked so hard to learn; this is why Presse und Sprache has become an invaluable, authentic resource for thousands of teachers and students alike.

No Quibble Money-Back Guarantee

We think you’ll find Presse und Sprache to be the best way to maintain or improve your proficiency in German, but if it is not for you, for any reason at all, we'll refund the entire cost of your subscription on a 'no questions asked' basis and what’s more, you can keep your first issue - all we ask is that you let us know within one month of receiving your first issue.

Presse und Sprache - Subscribe Today!

So, don’t delay, order Presse und Sprache TODAY and we’ll rush you your first issue of this superb German audio magazine. (Don't forget, all shipping and handling is free for the print subscription throughout North America for the life of the subscription.)

  • Language


  • Level


  • Audiomagazine Issn


  • Subscription Length

    12 issues (one year)

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Customer Reviews

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  1. Mich überzeugen bei Presse und Sprache die Original-Artikel
    "Mich überzeugen bei Presse und Sprache die Original-Artikel, immer aktuell, aus verschiedenen renommierten Tageszeitungen und zu einer Bandbreite von Themen! Die Übungen dazu sind abwechslungsreich, kreativ, den Niveaustufen angepasst und teilweise auch an Prüfungsaufgaben angelehnt. Ich bin froh, dass ich Presse und Sprache für mich entdeckt habe!"
    Maresa Argirov, DaF-Lehrkraft und Lehrmittelautorin
    "I am impressed by the original articles in Presse und Sprache, always up-to-date, from various renowned daily newspapers and on a wide range of topics! The exercises are varied, creative, adapted to the levels and partly based on examination papers. I am glad that I have discovered the Presse und Sprache for myself!"
    Maresa Argirov, DaF teacher and author of teaching materials

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  2. Presse und Sprache always offers interesting snapshots of everyday German life
    "Die Lesetexte von Presse und Sprache bieten immer interessante Momentaufnahmen aus dem deutschen Alltag, zu Themen, die aktuell sind. Besonders für Lernende, die eigenständig lernen, ist der Audio-Text eine gute Ergänzung."
    Simone Jore, Public Relations Officer, Goethe-Institut Munich
    "The reading texts from Presse und Sprache always offer interesting snapshots of everyday German life, on topics that are topical. Especially for learners who study independently, the audio text is a good supplement."
    Simone Jore, Referentin für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Goethe-Institut Munich

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  3. Deutschlerninhalte in verschiedenen Niveaustufen an
    "Die Zeitung Presse und Sprache bietet unserer Deutschlern-Community interessante und abwechslungsreiche Deutschlerninhalte in verschiedenen Niveaustufen an."
    - Deutsche Welle Learn German
    "The newspaper Presse und Sprache offers our German learning community interesting and varied German learning content at different levels. "
    - Deutsche Welle Learn German

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  4. Presse und Sprache eignet sich wunderbar im Unterrichtskontext Deutsch als Fremdsprache
    "Presse und Sprache eignet sich wunderbar im Unterrichtskontext Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Man hat authentische, abwechslungsreiche und aktuelle Zeitungstexte mit breiter Thematik und bereits in der Druckfassung mit aufbereiteten Wortschatzlisten. Im Online-Teil findet man dann wiederum abwechslungsreiche Übungen zur Verfestigung. Kurz: Presse und Sprache - authenisch, abwechslungsreich und aktuell."
    Dr. Nils Bernstein, Universität Hamburg, Sprecher
    "Presse und Sprache is wonderfully suitable for teaching German as a foreign language: authentic, varied and up-to-date newspaper texts with a wide range of topics and already in the print version with prepared vocabulary lists. In the online part, you will find varied exercises to consolidate your knowledge. In short: Presse und Sprache - authentic, varied and up-to-date."
    Dr. Nils Bernstein, Universität Hamburg, Sprecher

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