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French for Engineering prepares students to study and intern in France as engineers.
Aimed at students at the CEFR B1 or ACTFL Intermediate-High level, the textbook uses a step-by-step progression of language-learning tasks and activities to develop students’ skills at the CEFR C1 or ACTFL Advanced-High level. Authentic documents present students with tasks they will encounter as engineering students or interns in France.
Online resources include a teacher handbook and a workbook with vocabulary-building activities, grammar-mastery exercises, and listening and reading comprehension activities, followed by questions requiring critical thinking. It is organized in parallel with the textbook based on the flipped-classroom concept.
Acknowledgements; 1 La préparation académique; 2 Connaître des entreprises en France; 3 À la recherche d’un stage; 4 Communiquer des données chiffrées, des équations, et des graphes; 5 Déterminer les étapes, la durée, et le coût d’une solution; 6 Présenter une solution technique à un public non-spécialisé; 7 Mener des expériences; 8 Dépanner un problème; 9 Participer dans une réunion technique; m
Lars Erickson is a Professor of French and the Director of the French International Engineering Program at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, USA.
Book Binding
Book Dimensions
6.7 x 0.5 x 9.8 inches
Book Format
Book Genre
Science and Nature
Book Page Count
124 pages
Book Publication Date
5 Jun. 2018
Book Publisher
Routledge, 1st edition