Bien-dire Essentials: Les nombres en français

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Product Description

Bien-dire Essentials: Les nombres en français (BDE115)

(Formerly Master French Numbers)

Do you ask shopkeepers to repeat prices? Do you have difficulty noting a telephone number? Learn to feel confident when giving and understanding numbers in French. This CD will give you lots of practice and teach you a few tricks.

1- Les chiffres de un à cent 2- Les numéros de téléphone 3- Les dates 4- Quelques astuces 5- Premier de la classe ! 6- C’est combien ? 7- Quelle heure est-il ? 8- La prononciation 9- En situation ! 10- Les chiffres maîtrisés !

This Bien-dire Audio Learning Guide pack includes a 60-minute CD + booklet. Level: A1/A2

Key to the Council of Europe’s Common Reference for Languages:

  • A1: Novice
  • A2: Intermediate
  • B1: Advanced Low
  • B2: Advanced Medium
  • C1: Advanced High
  • C2: Superior
  • Language


  • Level


  • Book ISBN


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