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Need to brush up on your Spanish? Intermediate Spanish For Dummies is your key to success in building your writing skills and bolstering your confidence. It gives you the straight talk and nitty-gritty detail that will see you successfully through any major or minor roadblocks to communicating in Spanish.
This friendly, hands-on workbook is loaded with practical examples and useful exercises so you can practice how native speakers use the language. From vocabulary and numbers to juggling tenses, you’ll get a clear understanding of the nuances of Spanish style and usage that will have you writing like a native in no time. Plus, you’ll find multiple charts that provide conjugations for all types of Spanish verbs. You’ll get up to speed with Spanish grammar, master essential differences between Spanish and English language usage, and be able to communicate effectively when traveling or conducting business. Discover how to:
Sharpen your Spanish-language skills the fun and easy way with Intermediate Spanish For Dummies.
Gail Stein, MA, is a retired language instructor who taught in New York City public junior and senior high schools for more than 33 years. She has authored several French and Spanish books, including CliffsQuickReview French I and II, CliffsStudySolver Spanish I and II, 575+ French Verbs, and Webster’s Spanish Grammar Handbook. Gail is a multiple-time honoree in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.
Book Binding
Book Page Count
Book Publication Date
January 2008
Book Publisher
John Wiley & Sons