Il mistero di Veronica - Cinzia Medaglia

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Product Description

Black Cat Italian Graded Reader (Easy Reader): Il mistero di Veronica - Cinzia Medaglia

Black Cat Italian Graded Reader (Easy Reader), 96 page fully-illustrated book + audio CD. Level B1 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

Beautifully designed and illustrated easy reader complete with grammar and comprehension exercises. The text includes an introduction in accessible Italian containing interesting facts that place the story into context as well as a glossary at the bottom of the page which explains difficult terms. The audio CD contains both a complete reading of the text by a professional narrator and a set of pronunciation exercises. The combined package of book and CD work brilliantly together to create a wonderful, captivating learning resource for intermediate level learners of Italian.

Il mistero di Veronica by Cinzia Medaglia - Summary

Veronica and Massimo love each other, despite the fact that they are very different: she is a business woman and he is an artist. But when Massimo asks her to marry him, Veronica leaves him. Massimo, who cannot let go of what has happened, decides to investigate the mysterious past of the young girl. A passionate story, veiled in mystery, which guides the reader across northern Italy from the metropolis of Milan to the Ligurian Riviera.


Veronica e Massimo sono molto diversi: lei una donna d'affari, lui un artista. Eppure si incontrano e si amano. Quando però Massimo le chiede di sposarlo, Veronica lo lascia. Lui, che comunque non vuole rassegnarsi ed ha la sensazione che Veronica gli nasconda qualcosa, comincia a indagare sul misterioso passato di lei… Una storia appassionante e velata di mistero, un’avventura che accompagnerà il lettore attraverso il nord Italia, dalla metropoli di Milano alla riviera ligure.

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    Black Cat CIDEB

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