Gramática española: Variación social, 1st Edition

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Gramática española: Variación social, 1st Edition by Kim Potowski and Naomi L. Shin

Gramática española: Variación social introduces intermediate to advanced students of Spanish to the main grammatical features of the language in a way that emphasizes the social underpinnings of language.

Written entirely in Spanish, this unique approach to the study of grammar guides students in an examination of how Spanish grammar varies depending on place, social group, and situation. Students examine why some varieties of Spanish are considered prestigious while others are not, drawing on current and historical sociopolitical contexts, all while learning grammatical terminology and how to identify categories and constructions in Spanish.

This is an excellent resource for students at level B1 or higher on the Common European Framework for Languages, and Intermediate High to Advanced High on the ACTFL proficiency scale.



  • Prefacio
  • Capítulo 1. La lengua como significador social
  • Capítulo 2. Sustantivos, pronombres, preposiciones
  • Capítulo 3. Verbos
  • Capítulo 4. Características del español en contacto con otras lenguas
  • Capítulo 5. Conclusiones
  • Índice

Gramática española: Variación social, 1st Edition by Kim Potowski and Naomi L. Shin - About the authors

Kim Potowski is Professor of Spanish Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.

Naomi Shin is Associate Professor of Linguistics and Hispanic Linguistics at the University of New Mexico, USA.

  • Language


  • Level


  • Book Binding


  • Book Dimensions

    6.8 x 9.8 inches

  • Book Format


  • Book Genre


  • Book ISBN


  • Book Page Count

    190 pages

  • Book Publication Date

    6 Dec. 2018

  • Book Publisher


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