Gente hoy 3 - Libro de trabajo + CD (B2)

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Gente hoy 3 - Libro de trabajo + CD (B2) - Ernesto Martín Peris, Nuria Sánchez Quintana, Neus Sans Baulenas, Antonio Vañó Aymat

Workbook + CD. Level B2.

This is the newest edition of the Gente series, a best-selling coursebooks for Spanish language learning. The course has many complimentary extras to accompany the books, including CDs in each of the student and exercise books, website links, digital copies of the books, USB sticks, and a YouTube channel. The course has been revised so that the contents fit with the world of today and focus on language learning through a task-based approach.

Gente hoy 3 is the updated version for the B2 levels of the successful Spanish course Gente. This new edition still follows a task-based approach; the content has been reorganised and extended, the activities have been revised and the cultural references have been updated. Key new features include new activities, a video to introduce each unit, a fresh approach to the cultural section Mundos en contacto (Worlds in touch), and the incorporation of the Internet as a means of supplementing language samples for class work and Interactive Whiteboard materials. 


Este Libro de trabajo tiene como finalidad consolidar los conocimientos y las destrezas lingüísticas que se han desarrollado con las actividades del Libro del alumno, del cual es complemento imprescindible. Para ello proporciona ejercicios, en su mayor parte de ejecución individual, centrados en aspectos particulares del sistema lingüístico (fonética, morfosintaxis, vocabulario, ortografía, estructuras funcionales, discursivas y textuales, etc.) que se practican en las actividades del Libro del alumno.

Contiene un CD audio con los ejercicios de audio.

Al final del libro se incluye la novela-cómic Gente que lee. Los 12 capítulos progresan en relación con cada una de las unidades del libro.

  • Language


  • Level


  • Book Binding


  • Book Dimensions

    24x28 cm

  • Book Format


  • Book Genre


  • Book ISBN


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  • Book Publication Date

    Jan 2016

  • Book Publisher


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