Edito A1 2e - Livre + livre numérique + didierfle.app

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Edito A1 - 2e - Livre + livre numérique + didierfle.app - Caroline Spérandio, Sergueï Opatski, Violette Petitmengin, Sylvie Pons, Hamza Djimli

The coursebook contains 12 units with one theme per unit covered in depth via all 4 skills. Authentic communicative tasks are used to develop students' know-how in their interactions. The written, audio and video support documents are all recent and taken mainly from French and Francophone media but also include literary texts and recorded dialogues from everyday life and exercises on communicative intonation. Intercultural and Francophone aspects have a large place in the course book along with a focus on grammar and vocabulary.

Students are actively involved in learning working through stages from discovery, to deduction and finally usage of the language. This is supported by tables and lists that illustrate each point. There are numerous comprehension exercises and at the end of each unit "L'essentiel" page takes stock of the contents of the unit in grammar and vocabulary exercises plus oral comprehension revision.

Written and oral comprehensions from everyday, business and public life put students in authentic communication situations and outlines of conversations are included to guide students in their spoken work.

"Culture, Cultures" pages look at aspects of French and Francophone life: ecology, the influencer phenomenon, citizen engagement, press, sciences etc. Preparation for the DELF A1 exams takes place throughout the book and every 2 units there is a double-page of learning strategies for the exam. At the end of each unit, "Atelier meidation" offers group tasks for students to practise mediation and develop their capacity to interact and co-operate in groups. Transcripts of all the audio and video material can be found at the end of the book.

The 2nd edition of the Édito A1 method for adults also includes:

  • didierfle.app for audio access a companion site www.didierfle-edito2022.fr with complementary activities
  • an interactive digital student book
  • --

Dans le livre de l'élève:

  • S’immerger dans le français de la vie quotidienne et découvrir les réalités francophones dans des  documents authentiques  didactisés.
  • S’adapter à différentes situations de classe :  grande liberté  et  souplesse d’utilisation.
  • Comprendre le fonctionnement de la langue grâce à un  apprentissage guidé de la grammaire.
  • S’entrainer au  DELF/DALF  avec une préparation progressive.
  • Entrer dans le niveau A1 de façon progressive  sur 10 unités 
  • Améliorer l’ancrage des acquis grâce à deux bilans  («  l’essentiel  »)  : un en milieu d’unité et un à la fin (linguistique + compréhension orale) 
  • Optimiser  la mémorisation du lexique  grâce aux pages «  vocabulaire  »  : exploitation créative et ludique des listes de vocabulaire.
  • Travailler la  compétence de médiation  avec un «  atelier-médiation  » dans chaque unité.
  • Favoriser l’immersion  grâce aux pages  «  vie pratique  »


A task-based course for older teenagers and adults. This edition continues to work on developing the four main skill areas, and pays particular attention to enriching students' vocabulary by presenting them with a range of authentic materials taken almost exclusively from French and Francophone newspapers, literature and websites. The audio texts are taken from broadcasts by Radio France, debates on current affairs and interviews all accompanied by comprehension exercises.

Édito revises and broadens grammar knowledge and increases vocabulary through exercises that mirror real life situations. All the key skills are addressed in turn, with extra attention given to written and spoken French using authentic scenarios and group work activities put this knowledge into practice. Articles on France and its culture allow students a glimpse of different aspects of French life. 

The latest edition of Edito offers a new layout, new features, and 100% new documents.

Amongst the new features in the 2022 edition:

  • Level A1 has only 10 units (there were 12 in the previous edition) to give a progressive immersion in the A1 level.
  • There are two assessment pages to reinforce newly acquired skills (l'essentiel): in the middle and at the end of every unit (linguistics + listening comprehension)
  • A recreational and creative exploitation of vocabulary lists to optimize memorization
  • A cooperation activity in every unit to practise mediation skills.
  • Daily life (vie pratique) pages to boost immersion
  • Language


  • Level


  • Book Binding


  • Book Dimensions


  • Book Format


  • Book Genre


  • Book ISBN


  • Book Page Count


  • Book Publication Date

    25 janvier 2022

  • Book Publisher

    Éditions Didier

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