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German Easy Reader, 48 page fully-illustrated book + audio download. Level A2-B1 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
This series of German easy readers contains original detective stories, each accompanied by online audio download of the complete text. The readers tell thrilling stories in settings from quite different regions in Germany. The texts therefore include a great deal of regional cultural information, such as maps and explanations of local customs. At the end of each story there are exercises for reading and listening comprehension, relating to each chapter and the story as a whole.
Strange things are happening to Udo Geissler. He no longer receives any letters; his credit cards have been cancelled and his shoes no longer fit. Why is all this happening? He finds the answer in the museum around the corner...
Udo Geißler passieren viele komische Dinge: Seine Briefe kommen nicht mehr an, seine Kreditkarten sind gesperrt, seine Schuhe passen ihm nicht mehr. Warum passiert das alles? Die Antwort bekommt Geißler im Museum in der Runden Ecke.