Dagli Appennini alle Ande - Edmondo de Amicis

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Product Description

Dagli Appennini alle Ande - Edmondo de Amicis

Guerra Edizioni, Letture Graduate per Stranieri, Italian Graded Readers

E’ il racconto di Marco, che parte per l’America alla ricerca della madre e nel suo lungo viaggio vive e sperimenta la condizione degli emigrati italiani i quali provengono da tutte le province d’Italia e sono costretti ad abbandonare le proprie terre per l’estrema povertà in cui vivono.


The novel is written in a diary form as told by Enrico Bottini, a 9-year old primary school student in Turin with an upper class background who is surrounded by classmates of working class origin. The entire chronological setting corresponds to the third-grade season. Enrico's parents and older sibling interact with him as written in his diary. As well as his teacher who assigns him with homework that deals with several different stories of children throughout the Italian states who should be seen as role models – these stories are then given in the book as Enrico comes upon reading them. Every story revolves around a different moral value, the most prominent of which are helping those in need, having great love and respect for family and friends, and patriotism.

  • Language


  • Level


  • Book Binding


  • Book Format

    Graded Reader/Easy Reader

  • Book Genre


  • Book ISBN


  • Book Page Count


  • Book Publication Date

    Nov 2007

  • Book Publisher

    Guerra Edizioni

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