Curso de literatura ELE

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This course focuses on the history of Hispanic literature, starting with the Middle Ages and finishing with today's literature. Features include: Visual maps organised by literary genre and in-depth analysis of literary excerpts, with comprehension and production exercises.

Product Description

Curso de literatura ELE - R. Barros, A Mª. González y M. Freire

Paperback, 176 pages, Level B1+

This course is aimed at adolescents and adults with an intermediate level of Spanish and above, and takes up between 80 and 100 hours of learning time. Within its ten units, this book focuses on the history of Hispanic literature starting with the Middle Ages and finishing with today's literature.

Students can access the audio content plus additional resources relating to this course online.

Features include:

  • Visual maps organised by literary genre and showing the authors and their main works.
  • Descriptions of the social and historical context for every literary movement.
  • Explanations of the literary styles of each historical period and its authors.
  • In-depth analysis of literary excerpts, with comprehension and production exercises.

The book includes an appendix with additional reading, famous literary awards, and a glossary.


Curso de literatura ELE se compone de diez unidades que corresponden a diez periodos de la literatura. En cada unidad se recogen los textos literarios y los autores más representativos de cada época literaria.

  • Esquema visual, organizado por géneros literarios: autores y obras más destacadas. 
  • Presentación del contexto socio-histórico de cada movimiento literario. 
  • Descripción de las características literarias de cada época y sus autores. 
  • Estudio monográfico de fragmentos literarios, con actividades de comprensión lectora y producción escrita. 

Ofrece un amplio apéndice con lecturas complementarias con explotación didáctica, premios literarios y glosario de términos literarios.


  • Edad Media 
  • Renacimiento 
  • Barroco 
  • Ilustración 
  • Romanticismo 
  • Realismo y Naturalismo 
  • Modernismo y Generación del 98 
  • Vanguardias y Generación del 27 
  • Boom latinoamericano y posguerra 
  • Literatura actual
  • Language


  • Level


  • Book Binding


  • Book Dimensions

    21.4 x 14.9 x 1.9 cm

  • Book Format


  • Book Genre


  • Book ISBN


  • Book Page Count


  • Book Publication Date

    October 2015

  • Book Publisher


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