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Voilà! The end to all your faux amis faux pas,
If you're learning a second language, then you know the frustration of making the same mistakes over and over again. Irregular verbs, silent letters, false friends: sometimes them seems as if they're all out to get you.
Fortunately, for those of you learning French, Margaret Jubb, author of French Grammar in Context, has written a book to save you from the pitfalls of common mistakes that are most likely to rear their ugly heads even if you've been learning for years. It's no wonder, when in French, passer un examen doesn't mean to pass an exam and une cave isn't a cave, but a cellar.
Speed Up Your French (published March 2016) is a superb new book whose stand-out feature, in my opinion, is the neat grouping of false friends into three chapters: Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives and Adverbs. It's so easy to navigate that you can check a phrase and find exactly what you need tout de suite! What's more, the explanations for what are, in many cases, very subtle differences in meaning between the French and English phrase, couldn't be clearer. For advanced learners of French, having a book this simple to refer to is a dream.
Speed Up Your French: Strategies to Avoid Common Errors is available from our online shop.
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