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Where Latin and Arabic Meet: A Bridging of Two Alphabets
Wonderful piece from The New Yorker on Lebanese designer Rana Abou Rjeily's creation of Mirsaal, a typeface family expressly designed to work in both the Latin and Arabic alphabets. In Mirsaal, the ca...
READ MORE | 30 Jun 2011
Cracking the code of machine translation
An amazing step forward in the translation of languages has been made thanks to human and artificial intelligence working together. According to an article in this week's New Scientist, treating langu...
READ MORE | 22 Jun 2011
Evolution of Language Takes Unexpected Turn
April's Wired Science article announces that the notion of there being a universal way in how languages evolve, affected by place, culture and the common linguistic structures in our brain might be ch...
READ MORE | 2 Jun 2011
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