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Balade en France comprises two audio CDs recorded in French, plus an additional CD that contains MP3s of the audio and an E-Text (Adobe PDF) of the presentation with transcript, photographs, and an extensive French-English glossary.
Settle into a comfortable chair and get ready to enjoy an unforgettable tour of France - in French! Comprised of eighteen fascinating features produced by well-known French broadcasters and travel writers, Balade en France takes you to the nooks and crannies of "l'Hexagone" in a way no ordinary travel guide can. And as you go from region to region, you'll discover a variety of accents, regional expressions, and vocabulary not found in a standard French course.
This attractively packaged presentation includes two 70-minute audio CDs and, to aid comprehension, a third CD that contains an E-Text (Adobe PDF) and MP3s of the audio files. The E-Text consists of a colorfully illustrated French transcript of the audio and an extensive French-English glossary of colloquial expressions, plus background notes that provide a wealth of supplementary information. If you love France and the French language, you'll love Balade en France.
Audiobook ISBN
Audiobook No Disks
Audiobook Runtime
140 minutes