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Secret Military Test, Coming Soon to Your Spanish Class
In a recent article titled ‘Secret Military Test, Coming Soon to Your Spanish Class’ in the science magazine Nautilus, Michael Erard summarizes the research behind a new test devel...
READ MORE | 25 Jun 2014
Seeing Pictures of Home Can Make It Harder To Speak a Foreign Language
The recent article on the Smithsonian web site on new research that demonstrates that being exposed to faces or images that you associate with your home country primes you to think in your native tong...
READ MORE | 30 Jun 2013
Dreams 'can help with learning'
Having problems learning the subjunctive, irregular verbs, gerunds and false cognates in your chosen language? According to an article from the BBC dreaming in your sleep about the task helps with the...
READ MORE | 6 May 2010
Foreign subtitles improve speech perception
Foreign subtitles improve speech perception for second langauge learners according to a new study by the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. The research suggests that foreign language acquisi...
READ MORE | 24 Feb 2010
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