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Thought-provoking article in last week's Economist on the evolution of language. New research appears to confirm the theory that all languages originated in Africa. Just as humanity's origins demonstr...
READ MORE | 21 Apr 2011
Modern Day Cyclists Ought to be Linguists
Another post on cycling and languages. Lovely quote from Tim Hilton's wonderful memoirs on the world of cycling, One More Kilometre and We're In the Showers, about how the culture of cycling naturally...
READ MORE | 15 Apr 2011
Le Vélo-Dictionnaire Français/Anglais
Thinking of cycling in France on your Easter or Summer break and would like to learn some key French vocabulary just in case your bike breaks down? Have no fear: Sheldon Brown's Le Vélo-Diction...
READ MORE | 12 Apr 2011
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