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Product Description

Aduléscens, Libéllus primus (A1-A2)

16 páginae colorátae, 21 x 29.7 cm.

5 fascículi a mense Septémbri ad mensem Iunium

Aduléscens óptimum est instruméntum, quo lingua Latína et cultus antíquae Romae modo iucúndo inculcétur: insunt enim vocábula imagínibus illustráta et variae commentatiónes. Ínsuper vitálitas linguae Latínae appáret in arguméntis hodiérnis. Síngulis ménsibus inserúntur pittácia adhaesíva et libélli discípulo conficiéndi.


Aduléscens is the best instrument with which the Latin language and the culture of ancient Rome can be learnt in an interesting way: for there are words illustrated with images and various comments. Moreover, the vitality of the Latin language appears in today's vernacular. Each month, an adhesive label and a booklet to be completed by the student are inserted. Published five times a year to reflect the academic timetable, a subscription to Aduléscens is the ideal resource for near beginner Latin learners. Subscribe today.

Aduléscens - Language Level:

Near beginner (A1-A2) KS3.

Aduléscens Magazine Features:

  • Up-to-date and relevant themes. This is also true for the personalities featured in the articles making them very attractive to learners.
  • Learning units with revision and practice activities allow students to examine in detail the articles presented in each issue.
  • The culture pages are presented with maximum visual impact and come complete with dossiers, interviews and activities to be completed by the student.
  • Audio in MP3 for students available with ELI LINK app.
  • 5 issues per year: N. 1 September/October, N. 2 November/December, N. 3 February, N. 4 March-April, N. 5 May-June

Aduléscens Magazine - Multiple Subscription Discount:

  • Buy one subscription for £22
  • Buy 2 - 9 subscriptions for £15 each
  • Buy 10 or more subscriptions for £12 each

NB The unit price will automatically adjust in your shopping cart as you update the quantity field.

  • Language


  • Level


  • Subscription Length

    5 issues (one year)

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